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What is Biliteracy?

Biliteracy is the ability to speak, read and write in two languages at a proficient level.

What is the State Seal of Biliteracy?

The State Seal of Biliteracy is a recognition given to high school seniors who have studied and can exhibit the ability to communicate in two or more languages (including English) by their senior year of high school. The Seal is highlighted on high school diplomas and serves as a statement of accomplishment for college admission and future employment. To build on the success of the District’s State Seal of Biliteracy program, the Chicago Public Schools Office of Language and Cultural Education (OLCE) introduced in SY17 the CPS Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Award, a new program for elementary & middle school students to be recognized for their biliteracy skills.


Why implement the CPS Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Award for Elementary & Middle Schools?

The CPS Seal of Biliteracy Award will recognize 5th and 8th grade students enrolled in a language education program that provides a pathway to the State Seal of Biliteracy in 12th grade in addition to current and former ELs who have maintained their native/home language. This recognition is not solely based on a students’ current language proficiency, but also in the continuing development of that language throughout the course of their elementary and middle school years in preparation for high school.
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