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Kinder to 3rd GRADES


Stories in Spanish

Children's stories in Spanish with an optional English translation and slow audio in Spanish. As you listen to the story you can read it as well. Text is located below the video.

Family Fun

  1. Create a character from an object & write a short story about it, just like we have done in class, in Spanish! Then get your family involved and act it out together!

  2. Practice your listening and do any 2 of these Yoga videos with someone in our family. Get a photo and add the link to your log and share it in our Classroom. 

  3. Yoga en cama (10 min)     Yoga en casa (10 min)    Yoga para niños (4 min)   Yoga para niños (6 min)

  4. Get cooking! Find a recipe that has Hispanic roots (Central America, South America or Spain) and make it! Share it with your family. Record their opinions and the food you’ve made in a video! (yo prefiero/pienso que, ella no prefiere/piensa que, etc.)

  5. Play “El Semáforo”, a popular game in both English and Spanish but play using only Spanish words. Teach your siblings and family members a few easy words and earn a bonus! Record a video of you playing for credit. El semáforo is an outdoor game that’s perfect for kids to practice Spanish.  Everyone lines up and an adult, or designated player, call out commands: “verde” (green) for run, “amarillo” (yellow) for a walk, and “rojo” (red) for the stop. Sound familiar? El semáforo is just like the English game Red Light – Green Light.

  6. Pick any traditional Mexican game and play it with your family! 

  7. Traditional Mexican Games

  8. Get EVERYONE involved by acting out a play in Spanish from the list provided! 

  9. Spanish Play Scripts List

  10. Learn more about YOUR family history by completing the worksheet and map and discussing your family’s past with your parents/guardians.

  11. Family Tree Worksheet

  12. Family Tree Map

  13. Learn about the game “Loteria” and play it with your family. Write a paragraph in English explaining the history and game and then record a video of yourself playing. You can play by clicking the play button on the video at the top of the page.

  14. Learn about the involuntary deportation of immigrants in the 1930’s and complete the worksheet after watching the video.








Interactive Spanish Games

Digital Dialects​


Spanish games

Polly Lingual

Hello World

Spanish4Teachers Interactive Games

Mi Vida Loca - My Crazy Life




School Kids Meditating
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